My backcountry skiing progression in Washington was similar to most. Winters were spent finding the low hanging fruit, spring was all about skiing the volcanoes and the orange Volken guidebook was where most touring plans started. The Volken guide was a great resource, but the popularity of it often lead to some pretty crowded days on classic tours. As I started to appreciate how expansive the Washington backcountry is I began to look elsewhere for inspiration.
It turns out there is no shortage of material online and I have spent more time than I care to admit reading through old reports on TAY, CascadeClimbers, SkiSickness, CascadeCrusades and Alpenglow. These guys really got after it. I came across some great descents and tours and was surprised by how few of them got the attention they deserve, despite rivaling many of the classics we flock to.
During early COVID I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. I’ve always been drawn to skiing couloirs, so out of boredom I decided to start compiling a list of all of the couloirs in Washington using the above websites and any other resources I could find. There’s a lot of them.
My hope with this website is to continually grow the list and to provide a source of inspiration to check out new lines. As tempting as another lap down The Slot might be…
Have fun and be safe!